القائمة الرئيسية


Unanimous factors affecting life expectancy at birth

Report concluded WHO to social factors - more than genetic factors - a larger role in influencing the health status of the individual and the average life expectancy at birth.
This organization has conducted the United Nations a 3-year study to examine the impact of social factors on the individual.
The report stated that "social injustice kills many widely."
Thus, the children grew up in a poor suburb of the capital of the metropolises will live on average 28 years less than that which would occur in an affluent suburb.
In London, for example, live in upscale Hamestid district gives قاطنه average age of more than 11 years, compared mg average age of a resident of St Pancras district not far.
The study showed that African girl from Soto live 42 years less than their counterparts in Japan.
In Sweden Lai increased number of deaths of women during pregnancy on the status of one of the 17400, and in Afghanistan this rate rises to about a pregnant woman and one out of eight.
The report found - which was prepared by a group of senior experts of the members of the committee at the World Health Organization charged with studying the impact of social factors on the health of the community - that the economic and social conditions difficult in all countries linked to deteriorating health Hillah.

Average life expectancy at birth in some countries (years)
Japan: 83
Italy: 81
Britain: 79
United States: 78
Chile: 78
Iran: 71
Egypt: 68
Senegal: 59
Soto: 42
The disparity of depth and clarity so difficult to explain its causes at first glance factors, genetics and biology.
The authors said in this connection that the toxic combination of bad policies responsible widely from depriving the majority of people of good health biologically possible. "
The report called for world governments to review their policies, saying that it is possible to reduce disparities in health services in a remote period.
The report warned of the consequences of procrastination in this area, saying it will only succeed in deepening differences.
And Sir Michael Mrmot said - the Chairman of the Committee - told the BBC: "There is evidence that 

differences with regard to access to health services has narrowed, but Kkna Aina breadth in some cases.

Unanimous factors affecting life expectancy at birth


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